Thursday 12 December 2013

Evaluation Of 'The Life Of John Linley'

1) My brief stated that I was going to do a Documentation of a Daily Routine of an Elderly Person and a Younger Person. But since going out and actually shooting, I only followed my brief by 50%. As I decided I was only going to shoot of my grandad, despite the fact I only followed 50% of what my brief said, I still had a successful outcome with my images. I also still followed my brief in terms of the artists which i was inspired by, as I still produced images in style of Julian Germain and Kaylynn Deveney. Even though I was inspired by these two artists, there work showed a lonely man, which whilst taking my images I decided this wasn't something I wanted in my images, I wanted a more warm feel to the images. In my brief I also stated i wanted my images in colour for a simple and natural feel, yet when it came to editing my successful images, I found they actually worked a lot better in black and white as it brought out all of the textures within the images. In my brief I wrote about how I will present my final images, I said i would like to present them in a sketchbook/scrapbook way, but I've decided my work seems to be a lot better than that, and would make the images look wrong. The black and white images I have produced with a white boarder which i will put into a sequence and then perhaps make a book along side is what I feel would work better. Overall, I may not have followed my brief 100% yet I feel the changes i made were for the better and improved my work.

2) When I was taking my images on the day, I was able to notice my strengths and weaknesses of the Photography. As I felt on the spot whilst taking my images I noticed that some of my images weren't focused and the lighting wasn't working. Before taking the images I set my cameras ISO, White Balance and Shutter Speed, but sometimes it was wrong and I kept changing the setting of where I took my images so I kept having to change the settings which I found a struggle. So doing a bit more work with my camera with how to change settings quickly would be an area to improve on. One of my strengths in photography and this project as a whole is that I really enjoy editing my photographs, and I feel that if I have taken a bad image I can quite easily improve them photo's with certain tools on photoshop as I am quite experienced with photoshop. Also, my images as a whole went really well, the colouring, lighting and composition of my images worked. The ones that weren't so good didn't matter as I had produced a lot of images in total.

3) Overall I am really pleased with the outcome as a whole. It has been a successful project. The artists which I based my project around really helped my ideas and with looking at their work I was able to produce work with a good standard. With the brief I produced I was able to have a good focus point for my project, even though I only followed it by 50% it still came out successfully. The images that came out I was really pleased with and was almost suprised with the outcome. The images colour, lighting and angle of the images worked so well, I was trying to achieve a documentary style and I feel that was achieved

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