Henri Cartier - Bresson
Henri Cartier-Bresson (August 22, 1908 – August 3, 2004) was a French photographer considered to be the father of photojournalism. He was an early adopter of 35 mm format, and the master of candid photography.
Cartier - Bresson used a 50 mm lens and focused on getting a unique perspective by looking at geometry, shapes and leading lines. He wanted to lead the viewer into the photograph by using what is provided at the location of where the photograph is being taken.
By what we see from Cartier Bressons work, he teaches us that for street photography you should stick to one lens, focus on geometry, be patient and be unobtrusive. His work shows a lot of patient of waiting for the right moment.

By what we see from Cartier Bressons work, he teaches us that for street photography you should stick to one lens, focus on geometry, be patient and be unobtrusive. His work shows a lot of patient of waiting for the right moment.

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